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There has been much speculation regarding what happened with the band around October 2005, and this Our Last Tour / Album? thing! So, I thought it was about time I found out for myself, and who better to ask than The Toy Dolls incredible bass player and all round nice bloke, Tommy Goober. There's always a true, warm, friendly reception from Tommy Goober, and this time, on my arrival in Tommy's home town of Norwich, was no exception. I only had a short time to spare, so it was straight down to business, Tommy was indeed in the firing line!

Good to see you Tommy, you are looking well, and have lost some weight since I saw you in Utrecht in November 2004! Is that because you weren't fed with the band!?

Thank you! I have indeed lost weight, though we eat quite well on tour, the intense, physical stage show certainly is the reason for the weight loss! I feel good too!

Ok, so, how was it recording Our Last Album?

Recording Our Last Album? was a really good experience, playing new numbers and working on a new project, I loved it. It was great to work in such a disciplined environment, for a change!

Many people are really interested in what equipment you use? That's me included too!

Well, I don't use any effects at all, on stage its usually an Ampeg SVT and 8 by 10 cab, in the studio too, though I did use an old Vox amp with a Marshall 8x10 cab too. The bass guitar is a Music Man Stingray, I love it! The sound is a mix from the amp for a bit of distortion and DI for the natural bass guitar sound, the strings are set quite low too for a bit of string buzz, which enhances the sound.

Olga intended calling it a day at the end of October last year. Come on... what exactly was going on?

I guessed you would get around to asking this question!

I like to be predictable!!!

Olga definitely had had enough, though I have never known anyone enjoy himself so much on stage at every gig, but I sensed he was never truly happy about the performance. One thing that I am certain of is that he always missed the speed, power and precision of his favourite drummer, Marty, who I must say is the best I have heard, having listened to the On Stage in Stuttgart album. I am sure Olga always felt he needed someone of the same standard, and I can understand this. But he has been through so many musicians, he just couldn't face all the searching, auditions etc. again and just decided to quit it all altogether. After the last show, in Spain last October, we all just settled back into normality! I knew Olga was as depressed as hell about it all coming to an end, and was still eager to play with other musicians. Anyway, he was delighted to have the opportunity to play with the Lambrusco Kids in Brazil, I am sure that's what he needed to make him hungry to play with the Toy Dolls again. Though I thought I would never hear from him!

I see, so how did you feel when Olga asked you to play again, and when did he ask?

It was was after he returned from The Lambrusco Kids gigs, early December time, he was a changed man! He is an extremist you know! He just said he wanted to give the crowd the best performance ever, I was delighted to be asked, and I really missed the touring, playing, traveling etc. So I jumped at the chance!

So, Duncan from Snuff, The Amazing Mr Duncan, probably the worlds best punk drummer! How do you feel about playing along side him?

Incredibly excited to say the least! I have been a fan of Snuff since the early 90's! So its a big honour and privilege for me! I am really looking forward to getting on tour, even though Duncan is an Ipswich Town fan!

You have just recorded a live album, where? what? ... tell me more!

Yeah, it's live! It features a lot of songs that we will playing in the 2007 tour, its got some rough parts but there's no overdubs, just recorded in one take. It wasn't a gig as such, a private practice really with a bus load of our close friends. We hired a room in the back of a pub where Olga lives, in North London, then Bernie, our sound man, produced it. Not sure of the release date, some time in the summer of 2006. It'll be called TREASURED TOY DOLLS TRACKS....LIVE!

And, what about this whole Our Last...? thing!

Olga decided on this concept at the beginning of 2004, he didn't say it to see how successful the gigs were, rather than how he felt about everything, he had a few years away from it, and wasn't sure if he would enjoy it, or if he was fit enough mentally and physically for the touring.

So, Olga wasn't sure or not if it was gonna be The Toy Dolls last tour?... hence the "?"

Yes, exactly.

Silly question, and i guess we all wanna know... Is it the last tour!!?

The rest of the shows this year will be places we didn't visit on the first legs, this will be part of the Our Last Tour? tour! Now Olga is talking about gigs throughout 2007, with a lot of songs from the new live album, and some different set routines. So I guess that answers your question!

OK! I'm on a roll, where will the gigs next year be? What about a new studio album? Tell me tell me!!!

(Much laughter!!!) The shows next year will be nearly all festivals, Olga has started on new studio album and plans to release it in 2008, with another full World tour (he will kill me me for telling you this!). I can say this though, he says he wont record another studio album unless he is very happy with it. But is he ever happy with anything he does!?

Tommy, as always, it's been a pleasure! Anything more you would care to add?

I hope I didn't say too much! I am excited to get going again, and to visit new places. I am also looking forward to seeing the gigs start to get confirmed!

Oh, to hell with it, I am gonna ask: I heard the first gigs are in Norway, when? where?

Olga tells me they are being planned now, they will be around late May, he did say Oslo wont be included coz that was already in the first leg. As for actual towns, I wanna know as much as you do!

So, there you have it, the Our Last Tour? tour continues this year.
The Our Last Tour? tour will end too.
But the gigs will go on and on and on...