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Hi Olga,
I've been a fan of the Toy Dolls since the early 80's, ever since a mate of mine lent me Dig that groove baby. Unfortunately I've never been lucky enough to see you live. I'm living in Tipperary now and I'm wondering if you have any plans to play in Ireland.
All the best,

Hi there Anthony
That's a long time fan! Thank you!
We would love to get to Ireland at some point, seems crazy that we have never been yet! The only time I have been is when I played with The Dickies, we had a great time.
I really hope we can get back!

Hi Olga,
I'm Álex, from Spain. Me and my friend Ángel would like to know how do you compose your songs. How is the process? What do you do first?
Hope to hear you soon. We are going to see you in Villarrobledo, Albacete, at the Viñarock.
Thank you for everything,

Hi Alex
Good questions, but theres no ONE answer! Sometimes it's the melody, sometimes the lyrics or title, sometimes guitar riff, it varies from song to song!
Look forward to seeing you at Vinarock!

I Olga I’m a franch fan and I would like ask you, could you show us how to play “Me N’ John Williams” it’s an amazing song.
Thanks mate
Kevin Roussel

Kevin Hi
Thank you, I have almost forgotton how to play that one, I will check it out, if I can still play it I will make lesson of it!
Many thanks

Hi Olga! I'm wondering, if you're touring around the Europe, why don't you come to Poland? And where can I buy glasses like yours?
Greatings from Poland,

Kacper Hi
There is a gig confirmed in Poland now! March 16th 2013!
Heres the link! Cant wait to get there!

Hi Sir Olga, it´s amazing to have you here, for reading and asnwering your fans! I´m your fan since 1989... I was 8 and my cousin introduced a Toy Doll´s album, and I think It was love since the first listening... So, I would like to know if you have some idea for playing in Brazil again!!! Thanks a lot!!!  Marcos From Brazil

Hi Marcos, Sir Olga eh! Ha, thank you
We will be back in Brazil at some point, not sure exactly when yet, but keep checking the tour dates!
Look forward to seeing you there!

Olga, please come back to Sunderland to gig, or even back to Durham uni, have you any plans to tour the uk soon .........pleaseeeeeee xxx Love you big time from Dawn in sunny Sunderland

Dawn from Sunny Sunderland hi,
UK is being discussed at the moment with our management, we had a wicked time last tour! Hope to see ya soon!

Come tour in the U.S! My father turned me on to you guys 8 some years ago, Nellie the Elephant. You guys have fans all over the U.S.!

Thank you! I really hope we can back soon, its been a while!

Hi Olga,
once you were as thin as a skull today is more, well, cuddly. Tabby has much? took steroids?
Spoke bro!
Ivo Luan, São Luis, Brazil.

A: Ivo Hi!
Ha! No steroids, just healthy eating, lots of water and training!
Cheers Bro!

Hey Olga,
Love the new album, 'specially the acoustic tracks at the end, any chance you'll do a whole acoustic album? That would be beautiful, plus I can finally make out the words I missed in the original versions! Firey jack is "knack"..whew, now I can sing along proper.
Sciatica sucks! the Toy Dolls rule!
Thanks for all the years of great tunes, keep 'em coming.
Ben Aller

Hello Ben,
Cheers for that!
I am seriously considering an acoustic album, watch this space!
Should have news within a few months!
Thanks again

Hi Olga.
I'm Masaki from Japan. My guitar has your signature in 2007 Tokyo. Thank you to signature after stage.
So, I have a question. JCM-800 is very very expensive and maintenance is difficult. So, I got "Marshall The Gov'nor" and "Ibanez TS-9" for imitate your sound. I  understood TS-9 settings about "Play with OLGA". I want to know JCM-800's each knob adjustment and if you use "Marshall The Gov'nor" each knob adjustment.
You are my everytime guitar hero! and hope you will keep going!

Hello Masaki,
No problem! Thank you.
Yes, JCM 800 is also expensive in UK!
I have never used a Marshall Guv’nor, but I can tell you the JCM 800 knob usual settings!
Presence 7, bass 3, middle 3, treble 4.5, master volume 2, and pre amp 8.5.
I hope that helps a bit!
And I really hope we can get back to Japan soon!


Olga- I think you're an awesome guitarist with a great sound. I was curious about your setup- is your Marshall amp modded in any way, or is it just stock? And are you guys playing the United States any time in the future? If you do, come to Eugene, Oregon!

Hi Ryan
Thank you! And thank you!
No, the Marshall is modified, just a standard JCM 800 2203 model.
We will be back in the US at some point, its been a damn long time!
Keep checking the tour dates!
Thank YOU!

Hellooo, Just wanted to ask. Do u like chicken  ? =D
Grtz. Roy

Yo Roy, I guess you mean to eat!? Yeah, I do like chicken!

Hey Olga, I have been coming to your concerts in Stuttgart since the late 80's, first to the LKA then to the Röhre, that concert place which they installed in a dead tunnel (and which they are now tearing down for the bloody train station... ) That means I'm married to the Toy Dolls for almost 25 years now (more than three times as long as to my wife). Just wanted to say thank you for all the fun and hope you will keep going!

Arnaldo Hi
Cheers for coming to the Stuttgart concerts!
The Röhre R.I.P
I am sure we will be back in the Stuttgart area!
Thanks again for your loyalty!

Hi Olga, Earlier in the year I messaged you saying I was building up my toy dolls music collection (I was the guy who loved what she had with huey) Anyway, I got a fulltime job and managed to complete my toy dolls collection! (one or two off itunes and the rest on cd!) I love you guys, the fulltime job I had was horrible and I am no longer there, Your music really cheered me up when the going got tough there and one particular song really made me smile. ...Olga I Cannot I used to think was hilarious and Ive shown it to many friends. Now whenever somebody says ahhh or ooooh in an exausted manor, me and my 2nd cousin say olga I Cannot! Its great fun. Anway I was wondering what inspired that song, is Kendra a real girl you used to fancy or is she just a made up character for the song.
Thanks for all the great music :)
From Daniel

Daniel Hi
Thank you! Good to know we have helped keep your spirits up!
And yeah, Kendra was a real girl, from Durham in the North of England.

Olga, first off, I hope your tour is going great. I've been a fan of you guys since I first heard "Dig That Groove Baby" on the Tony Hawk 4 soundtrack. You personally are my favorite guitar player of all time. Anyway, onto the question. I know you guys planning a US tour is unlikely, or at least that's how it appears according to old tour records. Have you considered doing any one off festivals? I didn't really think there were any punk rock festivals left, but this year were going to Riot Fest in Chicago to see Iggy, Rise Against, The Addicts, Dropkick Murphys, and more. And Riot Fest can be found at several locations. Do you think you might ever end up there? Or - if desperation occurred - maybe joining Warped Tour? I know I'd return to Warped Tour in a second if you ever ended up on the lineup. If none of this is possible, I understand, but I'd love to be surprised.
Mark Gaydosh, Cleveland, Ohio

Hey Mark
Thank you for that!
I am sure we will get back to the US at some point, it’s long overdue, keep yer eyes peeled on the updates!
Many thanks

Hello you "guitargenius" Olga! I have suggestions for 3 songs that i like to learn from you. At least try to :) That is:
Howsa bouta kiss babe?
Nowt can compare to sunderland fine fare
Park lane punch up
And its important that the solos are included, theyre awesome!
Would be so nice if you could make play with olga-videos and teach us!
Best regards from an old fan in Sweden

Micke Hi
Guitar genius, ha! I like the sound of it! Cheers!
Park lane Punch up is a good idea, will do that next year I reckon!
Hope to see you in Sweden asap!

Hi Olga... I already asked you last year about coming to Brazil and you said about 2013 or 2014. But I'm very worried about Curitiba because we don't have serious people working here to bring us good shows. I saw Roxette this year but Cyndi Lauper didn't come to Curitiba. A lot of shows in Brazil happen only in São Paulo or Rio de Janeiro. Well I just wanted to reinforce the name "Curitiba" :D
Thank you again, Brazil and Argentina are huge fans. C ya!
Lucas Eduardo

Lucas Hello
Curitiba rocks, don’t worry, when we play Brazil I am sure Curitiba will be included!

Hello Olga,
My question is simple.
Me and my mate allready have tickets for the toy dolls concert in Utrecht NL.
My 2 friends from Zwolle NL would like to come but haven't got the money for the traintrip ánd the tickets.
Is it possible to put them on a sort of guestlist, so they can join us?
Greetings from Harm,
I will see you.

Hi Harm!
I hope you enjoyed the Utrecht show! And I hope your friends managed to get some money together to join ya!

Hi there, dear Olga man
I'm David, from Brazil, and I´m just passing through here just to wish you a very, very, happy birthday, with happiness, peace, money, health and light in your path (not necessarily in this order).
Waiting for you guys, next year, for the tour
See ya!
David de Barros

David Hi,
Thank you so much!
See ya in Brazil, yeah!

Happy birthday Olga!!!
And thxs for all Your music, always simply marvellous :-)
Giorgio Bianchi

Thank you too Giorgio!

Hi Olga
I hope you have time to read this as I am one of your biggest and youngest fans(I'm 13). I have loved your instructional video's on learning the songs. Yesterday I learned Dig That Groove and Credit Crunch Christmas. If you would like to see how many fans you have all over the world, go on the Rebellion Facebook page and you will see how many people want to see you guys next year. Please tell me you are playing Rebellion as their is about 6000 people who want to see you. I am currently loving your new album and I hope to see you sometime in the future.
Yours Sincerely
Matthew Aitchison

Hi Matthew
Cheers, of course I have time to read your message! Well, make time anyway!
Wow, well done on learning those 2 !
Will check that Facebook page!
Glad to know you like the new album, CHEEEERS!

HI Olga At first a big compliment for the brillant Show in the Oosterpoort in Groningen:-) Thanķ you. You gave my daughter a brillant "prepaid" "christmas present"!!!!
Will you play in Northern Germany in 2013 too? It would be great to see and hear you again. Maybe in Hamburg, Bremen or Hannover? Greetings from Lower Sachsony to you  :-) Sabine & Jolanda

Thank you Sabine & Jolanda
We really enjoyed that show, as usual! twas was a crazy party!
Keep checking the tour dates as Germany has been mentioned for 2013!
Many thanks

hi Olga and band, thanks for a brilliant evening.
really enjoyed your show last night in the melkweg, as I did in 2004, tivoli, and also as much as the first time I saw you live I think it was 1995, also in Tivoli, Utrecht.
Please don't stop, ever.
Best, Niels & Eva

Hi there Niels & Eva
Thank you, we had a great time too!
Will try not to stop if possible! Ha!

Hi Olga.
My name is Danny and i am 11 years old. Last week my father and i went to the Toy Dolls gig at hengelo.
It was a very good show. After the concert my father made some pictures of you and me together.
We bought some t shirts and the roadies gave me a plektrum and a setlist! It was a very nice day!
I hope so see more Toy dolls shows
Greetings from Danny from Ulft

Danny from Ulft hi!
Thank you, we enjoyed Hengelo a lot!
Cheers for coming, nice you got the plecs and set list! Lucky you!
Hope to see you again soon!

Hello Mr Algar,
Here`s 10 straight for ya.....
#1......What does your breakfast smoothie consist of ?
#2......People who keep on about gigs in the uk really annoy me, what's your take on this?
#3......Four albums you'd take to a desert island?
#4......One of my fav past bands were the Redskins, would you like to of been given Joe Strummers Telecaster like Chris Dean was?
#5......What bass do you have at home to come up with new bass lines on?
#6......Do you give Tommy & Duncan tab sheets to new songs, or do they learn from listening to the demo's?
#7......2007's UK tour was the 1st for 20yrs, how do you think it was received by fans & promotors, & would you have done any of it different?
#8......When the TD's finally bow out, would you reform at a later date purely for financial gain?
#9......Did you receive a silver or gold or platinum disc for 1984's Nellie?
#10....Do you ever get people come up to you in the street & saying "hey aren't you the Nellie guy"?

Hi Olgacrackcorn.
Cheers for the interview!
1. My daily breakfast smoothie consists of 1 large yoghurt, grapes, a banana, almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds & poppy seeds.
2. Its nice to be asked about gigs in any country! Not annoying at all! Its nice to be wanted!
3. Mating sounds of South American Frogs by Peter + the Test tube babies, Bridge over Troubled water by Simon & Garfunkel, Best of by Ella Fitzgerald, and Classic Toy Dolls by Christophe Sauniere.
4. Yes of course!
5. I have the same as Tommy Goobers, a Music man Stingray.
6. I give Tommy & Duncan the demos, and small notes etc,then we have rehearsals etc.
7. We had a great time, really nervous though, with it being our home country!
8. No, not purely for financial gain, The Toy Dolls/Punk audience know if your doing it just for the money, I would rather get a job stacking shelves in Tescos.
9. Yes a Gold Disc, and silver disc for Dig that Groove baby album, brag brag! But that's where it ends!
10. In 1984/85 yeah, fame eh, ha!


Olga, I’ve been into the punk scene since the early/mid 70s with Iggy Stooge, the Sex Pistols, I even saw the cars open for Foreigner when they got their start. I saw the Ramones opnes in a little 300 seat theatre in Atlanta, Ga. I am dying to see you guys here but since I just turned 50 it may be a road trip to Europe to make sure I see you folks. One thing I do have a question about is that I don’t see anything autographed.I have Iggy, Motorhead, Shane MacGowan. The B-52s (they are from here in Georgia USA. Do you autograph anything as This would make my collection the bragging wall in my house. Thanks in advance and I’m building a tele so I can at least get your pictures on it!! –Dave from Atlanta, Georgia USA

Dave Hi
Wow, you have seen some great gigs! Nice one!
We usually just do autographs/pics after live shows!
Building a Tele eh! Sound interesting, would love to see the finished model!
Send us a pic when its done!

Hi Olga, I'm a long-time fan originally from Manchester, now living in Denver, Colorado. Firstly I have to say that I just got the new album and think it stands head and shoulders above many of the others. I'd say it's the most consistant, entertaining and catchy album since Absurd-Ditties. I read your personal review of the album and I think you are a very harsh critic! Sciatica Sucks had me in stitches (I work on a spine surgery unit!) and Draycott Avenue and Cotton Wool Kids are up there with the best of the Toy Dolls. Well done, the band sounds in great form. My question (which is a few years late, but I have to ask) Do the Toy Dolls perform The Anniversary Waltz on Anniversary Anthems? If so, why did you choose to play it so straight (twice)?

Hey Simon
Hope you are enjoying Denver.
Thank you for that! Glad you like the new album.
I am certainly happy with the sound/production of it!
In answer to your question, we have never played The Anniversary Waltz live, but yes it's the Toy Dolls playing it on Anniversary Anthems!
Not sure why we played it twice now, I hate it! Seemed like a good idea at the time! I do like the album though!
Any help!?

Dear mr. Olga. I'm a Toy Dolls enthusiast from Horten, Norway looking sooo much forward to your show in August. I know my mates and I will go apenuts (and other relevant apebodyparts) if you'd pull out some Absurd Ditties and Orcastrated songs from your huge reportoire. 15 years ago, when we were 14, we used to drive our parents insane with tapes containing these two albums, AD on one side and Orcastrated on the other, driving around Norway on the holidays, singin along from the backseat. When the tape finished, it would autoflip to the A side, and AD would start again. This would go on for hours. My parents now live at a mental institution. The doctors call it "Chronic Toccatitis". I'm planning on bringing my dad to the show, and if you'd do Toccata, you might cure him, you know, fight fire with fire-style. 
Our favorites were Harry's hands, Ernie had a hernia (I'd kill to hear the solo live), Terry talking, Telly addict, Jimmy Saville, Toccata and Alec's gone. Please see what you can do, mr. Olga.
Enjoy the summer! See you soon in Horten!!

Hey! I really hope you enjoyed the show in Horten, Norway!?
We certainly did! Great weather, great setting and lovely people.
Let me know what you got there ok and enjoyed it!

Hello, Olga! First of all - I heard your new album and I think it is the best album of 2012 so far. So congratulations! I`m wondering what is your idea for the future of Toy Dolls? Are we going to wait for another album as long as for this one? Or maybe there will be no new album? 
And of course - we are still waiting for you in Poland!
Cheers, Filip

Hello Flip!
Thank you so much for that! Glad you like the new album!
Not sure about another album or the future at the moment, we are not getting any younger!
Lets see what happens!
And yes WE are also still waiting to get back to Poland, we had a great time there last time!!
Cheers again.

Hiya I just wanted to say I Love the toy dolls my dad was forever listening to your records when i was growing up and they where the best records he owned my own daughters are now 3 & 4 and love your music too, I cant find any toy dolls t-shirts for children anywhere though (sadly) when will you be back in the northeast as I'd love to come to a gig, hope your doing gigs when my girls are a bit bigger as they would love the chance to see you play live. Keep up the good work Love Abby (biggest sunderland fan)

Hi Abbey
Unfortunately there are no childrens shirts at the moment, but you can buy small girlies!
Hopefully we will beack in the north east of UK at some point!
Thank you!

Hi There, We have talked a while ago about the tour of The Toy Dolls. I saw that you guys are touring in october in all of The Netherlands but I didn’t find any news when the tour is hitting Belgium. Did you get any info about this yet? I really would like to know since if the band isn’t coming over to Belgium I will buy tickets for one of the shows in The Netherlands. And actually, you guys should perform at least once every year here in Belgium! J
Thanks for the update!

Koen Hi
This time in October its just Holland, Belgium may appear with the German dates next Spring hopefully!
Hope that helps a bit!

Hi Olga! How are you? Just wanted to say "tusen takk" for the great show that you guys put on at Kanalrock this summer! I had a BLAST! Your norwegian was good by the way. I hope you get some nice weather this summer and that you have a great tour! Never stop doing what you do, cus' you're awesome! I don't need a bottle of fizzy stuff when I'm feelin' blue, I just put on some Toy Dolls and it always makes me smile.
I'm gonna finish this off with a rather bad joke; Two harrings were at the beach tanning, and one of the harrings says: I'm gonna pop back in to the water now, I'm starting peel. Have a great summer you guys! See you soon, I hope.

A: Hi Ida
Thank you, Kanal Rock was great, lovely people too.
Ha, good joke!
Having a great summer thank you, I hope you are too, Norwejian summer weather is perfect!

Hi Olga, I am 45 and have just been introduced to your music. Wow all these years i could have been listening to well only the music that digs that groove baby, you don't mind if i call you baby do you?. My best mate Nick and I drive a truck all over Europe transporting horses and most of our conversation is Toy Dolls lyrics which makes us c-c-crazy positivly loonie with no particular place to go. Its thanks to Nick that i am a big fan and for that i thank him as our time in the truck is mad mad mad. We are geordies through and through and even though Diedre is a slag we are telly addicts when we not in the truck that is. I hope i eventually get to see you live but until then we will continue not being able to talk to one another unless its Idle Gossip.
So cheerio and toodle pip for now, your music is fab,

Hi Kath
An early starter eh!
Yeah, call me baby! Ha
Cheers for listening and your support! Hopefully you can get to a live show at some point!!
Thanks again

Hi Olga, My name is Danny. I am 11 Years and come from Holland.
My dad and I are big Toy Dolls fans. Yesterday we bought tickets for the concert in Hengelo!!
I hope you play a lot of songs!! I can't wait to see you play. Greetings from Danny !!

Hi Danny
Thank you for buying the tickets for the Hengelo gig!
Hopefully we will see you both there!
See ya in Holland, October!

Hey Olga, Your guitar lessons are awesome! I'd really love to learn the solo of Her with a Hoover. Or any part of One more megabyte would be nice too. Keep up the good work! Balázs

Hi Balázs
Thank you, I enjoy doing them!
I will bear that in mind about One More Megabyte, I am guessing that the solo from Her with a Hoover may have already been done!?
If not then I will do it!

JULY 2012

Hey Olga, simple question- many people from Poland are still wondering why you didn't play on Poland Woodstock Festival ? Or are you guys planning to come to Poland anyway ?

A: Hi Szwedzik As soon as our management can find a good promoter in Poland we will be back!
Lets hope it happens soon.

Hello Olga, i like the way you play the guitar, it's amazing!! You give me with the Absurdities album the choice to be a guitar player, like you. i'm working on, since my 16.... Also, thanks for your lessons, i'm looking for the wakey wakey intro (not the theme) with part of tapping, it's just amazing. Do you think you will teach us  in your lesson how to play this great moment of music? (started on a D chord or A?...)

Hello Mat. Thank you! Absurditties is my favourite Toy Dolls album! I may do the Wakey Wakey bit you mentioned at some point! I will check out which chord it starts on, its been a while since I played it!

Hi Olga, congratulations for the new album, it is really great! specially "Deccas Drinkin' Dilemma" is one of the best song ever! I cannot stop listening to this song :)
Here the question: Could you please promise your fans that u will not wait other 8 years to give us a new album? thanks in advance :)

Hi Danut Thank you so much! I am pleased you can’t stop listening to Decca! As for another album, mmm, lets wait and see!
Thanks again

JUNE 2012

Hey, what's the chances of you bringing Hi-Standard over as support on your next UK tour since they played together just recently? Would be so good.

Ha, Hi Boab, I reckon it would have to be the other around, us supporting Hi Standard for sure!

Hi Olga! I wanted to let you know that my band Skeleton Dick played a tribute type show to early punk bands and we all agreed that the Toy Dolls were the only band we wanted to do. I met you a looong time ago in Hollywood. I drove from Houston to see you guys. I gave you a CD of my band at the time, 30footFALL....Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that you've been an inspiration to me for the 20 years I've been playing guitar and I'm glad that you're still around kicking ass! Love the new album and I always look foward to new ones! I've included links to the different songs we did. I hope you like how we did them....Nowhere close to how good you guys sounded when I saw you! Take care, Olga and Keep ROCKIN!!
Skeleton Dick Website -  http://www.skeletondick.com/ 

Hi! Cheers very much for that, will check out the links, looking forward! THANK YOU!
Best of luck with Skeleton Dick,

Hiya... What good news, I just read TD has put out a new album -> rushing to the store as soon as they open :-0
Well, on the media page on your home page, you said fans could ask for requests. I have one! I play bass, and I remember that years ago there were some bass videos on you page - can we see the again, please?

Yo Steen,
Hope you like the new album!
Yes, Ciaron will reinstating the old bass and guitar lessons with these updates!

Hi Olga,
I saw on the website that you may be planning a visit in Asia covering Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore but no mention of Thailand?????? Is Thailand on your list???   I grew up with your music in Nottingham in the 80's but have lived in Asia for about 15 years, so it would be great to see you out here and see if you can influence a whole new breed of young Asian punks.
Coconut Lee

Hi Coconut Lee
(Cool name by the way!)
No plans just at the minute, but I really hope it will happen at some point! We wanna get there!
Hope you are enjoying it there!

I’m not sure what email to use here. I was wondering whether there will be a Japan tour for the new album? I’m in Australia and Japan is the closest the band will get to me. Hear from you soon, cheers.
Glenn Spooner

Hi Glenn
I really hope we can get back to Japan soon, I will keep ya posted! And also please keep checking the tour dates!

Hi, Olga
I just wondered: What is your favourite Toy Dolls song? If it`s too hard to pick just one, what are your top ten?
Your new album was great! Hope to see you in Oslo, Norway soon :-)

Hi Ellen
In no particular order, I will pick 5, mmm I would say
Alecs Gone
Ive had enough o Magaluf
Glenda and the test tube baby
Barry the Roofer
Credit crunch Christmas
We play near Olso on August 4th! Check out the tour dates and hope to see ya there!

Hi Olga!!
I have just recorded some The Toy Dolls guitar Covers, I hope you like them althouth they are full of mistakes ;-p
I also recorded One more megabite...but I have to edit the video first.
Bye friend, and thanks because I have enjoyed your music for many years :-)

Hey Urtzi, I am always making mistakes, don’t worry! I will check out the link! Thank you.
Cheers to you for listening throughout the years!

Since you are interested in opinions on the new album!
I think it comes in behind Absurd Ditties, Idle Gossip, Anniversary Anthems, and Orcastrated, about even with Dig That Groove, Baby, and above the rest. Just ahead of One More Megabyte (I actually really like that album, even though I gather you don't so much.)
Actually, it was totally a pleasant somewhat surprise.  I was a bit worried, partly because Our Last Album? wasn't my favorite, and partly because a lot of older punk bands have been putting out kind of disappointing albums lately, I think. I don't think I had heard a great punk album since RandyTheBand, and that was, what, '06?
So with that said! I definitely think the standout tracks are Kevin's Cotton Wool Kids and Don't Drive Yer Car up Draycott Avenue. Those are the ones I always catch myself singing the most. Behind those, Credit Crunch Christmas, Molly Was Immoral, Gordon Brown Gets Me Down (though I think were I a Brit, Maggie Thatcher would scare me more than Gordon Brown would bore me...), and Decca's Drinkin' Dilemma. 
The others I don't listen to as much, I guess because I skip to my favorite tracks, but I still like most of them. Dirty Doreen is a good song with a great solo, though the verses sound a bit much like Idle Gossip mixed with Bitten by a Bed Bug. Sciatica Sucks is interesting, but I find I usually listen through half of it and then skip. I might like it more if it were shorter. I actually liked your bedroom recording of Marty's Mam better than the album version. I think I liked your vocals better than the group vocals. I like some parts of Down at the Old 29, but other parts, not as much. I think my least favorite track on the album is B.E.E.R. I don't hate it, but it doesn't really do much for me, lyrically or musically. Kind of standard. I think I've only listened through it twice.
I guess it is now coming off like I was being critical on a lot of those songs. Just pointing out which I think were the standouts really. It is an excellent album with really only 2 weak tracks, and it is getting the most play of anything in my collection at the moment.
Also, you should come to the US! You haven't been here since... before I had heard you guys, so I've never had a chance to see you!

Aaron Hi
Thank you for that! Very interesting to hear your view!
Some good points, and cheers for taking the time to listen to it!

Hi Olga, I have just been seeing you in Barakaldo. But there's something I'm not really sure about. Would you rather have the power of flight or invisibility?
Thanks for the show and good luck.

Thank you! Oh, the power of flight for sure!

Just saw this:
and thought "sounds so great - but wait, this could be much better, which less double bass drum, less metal guitar-screams, just pure guitar sound...who could that play?" oh, I know!
I know you're from the U.K., so I know you know this fabolous guy called Dr. Who, so why doesn't exist any version of Toy Dolls yet?!?
Greets from Germany,

Ha, cheers for that Katrin, interesting indeed!
Maybe a Toy Dolls version in the future, who knows!
Greetings to Germany

Hi Olga, my name is Ricardo from Los Angeles. I see that you're fond of Fender USA Telcasters with a Seymour Duncan at the bridge.
My question is; who does your Guitar work? Do you set up, solder and or re-fret your own instrument? 
Do you have a tech that travels with you?
Thank you for your time!!!!!!!!

Hi Ricardo,
Yes, we have a guitar technician, Keith, who travels with us, he does all the guitar work/repairs!
I have know idea how to do it, apart from the intonation & action.

Olga Hello my name is Valter. I wonder if there show schedule Brazil for this year. I await response. Thank you!!!!

Hi Valter, there has been a lot of mail asking about South America this year, but I think its either gonna be 2013 or 2014. Hope to see ya there!

APRIL 2012

Olga, my name is Morandini, from Sao Paulo, and I would like to know what are the model of your instruments, provided you use the pickups on fender telecaster, if they are the original factory and the amps, pedals and effects. Thank you!

Hi Morandini, greetings to Sao Paulo!
My guitar is a Fender USA Telecaster, with a Seymour Duncan Alnico bridge pick up.
No pedals/effects. The amp is a Marshall JCM 800 100 watt 2203 amp.
Hope this helps a bit!?

Hi Olga,
I just read on your website that you are planning to come to Belgium around October. Do you know where this will be? Will it be back on ‘Pukkelpop’ or another festival? I’m just checking so I can buy my tickets on time. By the way, I love the new album. The sound is better than the album before and it seems to me that the sound is also more like Toy dolls in the beginning so I was pleasantly surprised! And I’m guessing that all the Toy Dolls fans will feel the same about it. So way to go!!!! Keep making great records than I will keep on buying them! J ha
And one for the money, two for the ….
Thanks for the info

Hi Koen
Yeah, we have been told that the main club tour is likely to start in Belgium, its not Pukkelpop however, it will be a club show, details should start coming in soon.
Thank you so much, I am please to hear you like the new album! Thank you!
See ya in October in Belgium!

Hi Olga, Tommy Goober and Mr. Duncan
Today I got the new Toy Dolls album! Absolute dynamite! :-)))
Where did you get these crazy ideas always brilliant!
Listen to The Toy Dolls since I was 14 Age (now 32 soon)! Your songs really make life worth living! :-)))
Wish you a warm "Thank you" cry with happiness could! Really looking forward to the show's come to love will still be safe in Hünxe (Ruhrpot Rodeo) there! Hope you are coming in many club's in Switzerland, Austria and Germany! Will this be where I will be able to spare and would not have the time or money! How about for you to play in Winterthur (Albani Music Club) or in Dornbirn (Conrad Sohm)? Winterthur was one of my more than ten concerts Toy Dolls, which I will never, never, never forget! I'm sure we'll see! Thanks again and God Save The Toy Dolls! :-)))))))))))
Your Roger Honegger

Hi Roger
Thank you very much indeed, nice to know you like the new album so much!
We are also looking forward to the Rurhpott Rodeo festival, it's a really good one! Especially now Stiff Little Fingers have been added to the bill! Brilliant!
I also hope there’s lots of gigs in Switzerland, Austria and Germany too!
Lets see what happens, we should start hearing about the club shows within a couple of months.
Cheers for your support!

Ello Olga,
Any chance you could do a gig or two in Jakarta, Indonesia? 
Big ask, I have been living in Indonesia for some years avoiding the cold back home.
Folks over here are wild to see and hear all forms of music, not so many bands from the west make it this far afield. 
Did you ever consider doing a cover version of George Formby’s Ace of Spades, the original hardcore stuff? B4 Motor Head tried. Or a kazoo version of the old Doctor Who intro music with a moody Moog & meaty bass for an intro to gig…
Al (ex-Liverpool lad)

Hi Al, there were serious talks of Indonesia in June, but nothing got confirmed unfortunately, still a chance of it happening at some point though! Along with Malaysia and Singapore regions.
Will bear those ideas in mind, cheers for that!
You made a good move getting’ yerself away from here, been freezing this week!
Hope to see ya soon