Stop Press...
For once, Olga is lost for words!!!
Check it out...
There's also a new live date for Italy in 2013! See the live dates for details...
And now I can get back to wrapping up Christmas presents! Have a good one!
December 20th 2012
And Finally...
Olga, Tommy and Duncan just wanted to say they hope you have a very Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a BIG BIG thank you for 2012!
Keep your entries coming in and we'll announce the lucky winner of our Christmas competition (details of which can be found below) in the New Year.
The limited edition black shirts have proven to be so popular that we have decided to add them to the online shop too. Get one while you can!
A new shirt design will also be added early in the new year!
So, from Olga, Tommy, Duncan and myself, here's to 2013! Have a good one!
December 2012
Now Then You Lot!
I am gonna hand you straight over to Olga Talkin' to fill you in 2013!
This months Ask Olga answers here.
And your new guitar lesson is here!
Just a quick one to mention that this is the The Toy Dolls Official Facebook. There are a few Toy Dolls Facebook pages, but this one is the REAL one! Check in and give the lads the thumbs up!
There’s gonna be some new additions to the merchandise to The Toy Dolls shop early in the new year! And about time too! More details very soon!
A Christmas Competition!
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First off, the prize!
A copy of The Classic Toy Dolls album!
A Toy Dolls badge!
And seeing as its Christmas, two Toy Dolls face logo balloons! These are not available to buy anywhere!
Ok, down to the Christmas questions... Oh, and Olga said that the questions needed to be more difficult than in the past!
1. Christophe Sauniere has just released “CLASSIC TOY DOLLS”, an album of Toy Dolls played Classical style! What are the titles of the two tracks that are opera versions?
2. On the album “Anniversary Anthems”, which ex-Toy Dolls member says “Got some arshole speakin’ Spanish, he’s havin’ a laugh” on the track “I’ve Had Enough O’ Magaluf’? Clue... he had hair when he was in the band!
3. Which legendary punk rocker supported The Toy Dolls on their UK tour in 2007?
4. What is the make of Tommy Goober's spinning bass guitar?
5. How many times have The Toy Dolls played Pukkelpop Festival in Belgium?
6. Olga actually played bass guitar for 2 other punk bands, who were they?
7. The Amazing Mr Duncan and Olga played only one acoustic gig together, which city was in it in?
8. Who was the drummer on the original version of Fisticuffs In Frederick Street? (not the Bare Faced Cheek album version)
9. What was the name of the band Olga played with, just before forming The Toy Dolls?
10. The singer from the band in question number 9, is now the singer with a legendary R & B band, what is his first name?
Ok? Some easy ones in there, some a bit more difficult, but Olga says if you are desperate enough for two yellow balloons you will find the correct answers!
Answers need to be in by January 15th 2013.
Post your answers with Christmas Competition in the title of your email.
That's Just About It Until The New Year!
So, we will back in the new year with new news! Any “stop press news” we will let you know immediately!
Best of luck to lads at Speedfest on December 8th, and the Spanish dates on December 14th,15th & 16th.
In the meantime, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
And here’s to 2013, and The Toy Dolls 34th year!
November 19th 2012
Album Vinyl Release!
Hey there you lot.
There'll be a larger batch of updates on their way within the next two weeks, but we thought we would let you know news of the vinyl release of "THE ALBUM AFTER THE LAST ONE".
This will be released in Germany only on 1st December 2012 and is available through Randale Records. Check out their Facebook page for details and updates too.
Keep checking in for the new updates very soon, featuring a Christmas competition too!
November 12th 2012
Finally the lads are making an overdue return to Poland! Its been a long time, and they cant wait to get back! Check the tour dates for more details.
November 4th 2012
German Tour Announced!
Yeah!, The lads are gonna back in Deutschland in March 2013.
They'll be playing some great venues!
News of the German vinyl release of "The Album After The Last One" soon!
October 22nd 2012
Happy Autumn You Lot!
Things may be damp & cold, but everything is still steaming along in Toy Doll world! So, lets get down to business... Your latest Ask Olga answers are here, and the latest guitar lesson is here! Enjoy!
Thank You!
Olga, Tommy Goober and The Amazing Mr Duncan have asked me to say a massive thank you to everyone who came to the gigs in Holland. Apparently a great time was had, I only wish I could have been there too!
Here’s a clip from the Groningen show, a bit shaky, but it just sums up the great party you lot were having!
And here’s some pics from the Holland tour too, cheers to Carlo for these!
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We were really hoping to have more news of “The Album After The Last One” German vinyl edition, but alas we will have to wait until next time. We can tell you, however, that it has actually been produced! We are just waiting for info of the release date and all the record company details, watch this space...
...including news on German shows too!
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Classic Toy Dolls...
So at last... the release of the decade! Classic Toy Dolls by Christophe Sauniere!
To pre-order your copy please click here...
...and the truly wicked animated video of the opera version of Firey Jack (taken from the Classic Toy Dolls album) can be seen here.
To the right we can see the man himself, and also an ad for the new album, totally wild!
The End Of 2012...
Next up, gig wise, is the fantastic Speedfest Festival in Eindhoven, Holland on 8th December, and then the 3 Spanish club shows.
The limited edition black t-shirts have now sold out! However Due to the overwhelming amount of requests there will be a new batch, but only available at the December live shows!
There will be a slight change however, the print on the front will be around 20% smaller! We thought it would look a bit nicer! Radical or what!
Next Time...
Another brilliant guitar lesson from Olga!
A Christmas competition!
A belated Olga Talkin’ section!
Plus all the latest news!
Until then, enjoy the Classic Toy Dolls album!
October 8th 2012
Another new live date...
October 1st 2012
New Spanish show for 2013...
Click here.
September 20th 2012
New Live Dates...
New added for December.
September 13th 2012
A Quickie For You!
Due to an overwhelming amount of requests for black t shirts, there will be a new, very simple and concise, limited edition shirt!
These will only be available on tour in Holland on the Dutch tour beginning on 3rd October 2012.
Very smart indeed, I want one now!
August 27th 2012
Hello Again...
First up this month, your latest Ask Olga answers are here, and a new guitar lesson can be found here.
So, the summer festivals have come to an end for this year sadly. Olga, Tommy Goober and The Amazing Mr. Duncan have asked me to say a HUGE thank you to all of you for coming, and a huge thank you to all the organisers and people who helped put the festivals on, the lads had a wicked time.
The guys also met some lovely bands along the way too, thanks loads to the guys from The Slackers and Rancid, just to mention just a couple... great guys.
Heres a clip from EXIT festival, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Some pics from the summer.
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Classical Toy Dolls...
There'll be more news on the classical album soon! This is gonna be a great one!
Just gathering some more info for you at the moment, though I can tell you the release date is November 19th, which will make it a good addition to your Christmas boxes!
The Album After The Last One will be released on vinyl in Germany in the next couple of months, full details of the label and release date very soon.
Live Dates...
Looks like the German dates will be in the spring of 2013, more details on this soon too.
We were hoping to announce some club shows for December on these updates, but there are a few loose ends to tie up first, so we have to wait a week or so, keep checking in, they will be up very soon!
And while we are on the subject of live dates….
Holland Tour...
Yes, as you will probably know, tickets are now on sale for the band's tour of Holland in October 2012.
The tickets are flying out for these Dutch Club shows, so be sure not to miss out! Support band for the first 4 shows will be brilliant Netherlands FolkPunk band CIRCLE J.
Support for the Hengelo show will be announced soon.
Ok, like I said, keep checking in to see the December club shows tour announcement, you will hear it here first!
Get your skates/clogs on and order your Dutch tour tickets, it could be your last chance of the seeing the lads in the Netherlands… I am saying no more!
Until next time!
July 19th 2012
Hello You Lot!
Just a few brief updates this time.
First up, the latest Ask Olga answers are here.
Next,the first in a new batch of guitar lessons here.
I can tell you the band are having a great time at all the summer festivals, they are well into the swing of it now. As mentioned before, the lads will be doing a tour of Holland in October, tickets are selling fast for this one, so don't miss out! Click on the tour dates on the right for tickets!
We can reveal that Mick, the guy who did the brillint Decca’s Drinkin’ Dilemma animated video, will be doing another animation for the "Classic Toy Dolls Album"!
It will feature the opera version of “Firey Jack”, and this will coincide with the album release in November.
Decca Wade...
Talkin’ of Decca, there’s gonna be a book about him released later this year entitled “I'm An Upstart, the Decca Wade Story” which promises to be a riveting read I can tell ya! More news on this soon.
Competition Winner...
We had an absolute mountain of answers for this one from all over the globe, and quite a few of you with all the right answers! So we put the correct entries in a hat and pulled out a winner at random.
First off though, the questions and correct answers:
1. How old is Dirty Doreen? 83 / 84
2. Who was giving Molly one? Kevin
3. In which two cities was the album recorded? London & Newcastle
4. Name one of the British ex Prime Ministers featured on the album other than Gordon Brown?
Tony Blair / Maggie Thatcher etc!
5. What are the names of the two sound engineers who engineered the album? Adie Hardy & Fred Purser
6. What number studio album is The Album After The last One? 12
7. In what year was The Toy Dolls very first album originally released? 1983
8. Name two other instruments that are featured on The Album After The Last One other than drums, bass, guitar & voices. Fiddle, bells, piano, wooden block, harp etc..
9. What is the name of the record company in Spain that released The Album After The last One? Maldito
10. At which show this year will the band celebrate their 1000th show? Zold Pardon, Budapest, Hungary
And the winner is... drum roll please...
Well done to you, its not often that someone from the UK wins a Toy Dolls competition! Your T shirt will be arriving soon from Belgium, let us know that it arrives safely!
Other News...
For those of you wanting to catch up with Duncan & Tommy's other projects, you can catch Goober Patrol at the following:
August 30th, Exeter Cavern Club
August 31st, Plymouth White Rabbit
September 1st, Hackney Trash Bar
and Snuff are appearing at:
August 1st, London Underworld
August 2nd, Blackpool Rebellion Festival.
OK, enjoy the rest of the summer festivals, say hi to the lads if you get a chance! More news next time.
July 5th 2012
For reasons beyond our control, the promoter in Sete, France has decided to cancel the Holidays In The Sun festival on July 9th.
The band were really looking forward to this one, flight & train tickets and hotels all booked and ready to go, but unfortunately these things happen from time to time. Our sincerest apologies to everyone who planned to go to the festival.
A full explanation can be found at the website here.
On a brighter note five new Dutch club shows have been added to the tour schedule in October, check 'em out.
June 26th 2012
Stop Press...
For you lot across the pond "The Album After The Last One" will be available in the USA on JULY 10th through MVD.
June 10th 2012
Hello You Lot!
Firstly thank you so much for your compliments on the new look website. All your comments are much appreciated. There's still a couple of things that need sorting out but that will all happen in the fullness of time :0)
A lot of you have been asking to see more of the stuff from the old website so I've created an Archive section which contains (just about) everything that was there.
Please have a look around but be aware that whilst I've done what I can to keep everything correct, there may be some links in there that are no longer valid, or may no longer work. If there's anything specific that's not working then please do let me know.
Spanish Tour...
So, The lads completed the Spanish tour, and send a huge thank you to everyone there!
Heres a few of pics from the tour!
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The band are well into the festival mode now and having a great time, thanks to everyone for attending! Still plenty more to come.
The next club shows of 2012 will be announced here very shortly!
New Stuff...
Here are your Ask Olga answers for this month.
And the latest guitar lesson from Olga - a bit of a different one this time around!
While we're talking about the guitar lessons I know a lot of you have been asking about seeing the old ones again. Well I'm pleased to announce that you will find all of Olga and Tommy's previous lessons in the Archive.
The Toy Dolls Music On New Xbox 360 / PS3 Soundtrack...
Yeah! The Toy Dolls track “Turtle Crazy” is on the the Xbox 360 / PS3 game “Lollipop Chainsaw” released 12th-15th June 2012 Worldwide!
Here’s a clip from a TV show talking about the soundtrack!
The official site can be found here.
The Classic Toy Dolls album...
Let me just clarify things here, this is NOT a new Toy Dolls album!
This is an album by classical musicians from Paris playing 15 Toy Dolls songs in a classical style. Err, yeah, I know what ya thinking but take it from me, its totally mind blowing! We will get some snippets of the tracks up for you soon.
The main guy, classical harpist Christophe Saunière (who features on “Martys Mam” on The Album After the Last One") has produced this masterpiece which features cello, harpsichord, flute, violins, harp amongst others. I will till you that it is rather beautiful, and the opera version of Firey Jack is something else!
The album will be released by Secret Records on November 19th 2012!
Competition Time...
The prize is one of the totally wicked (only available at gigs) Toy Dolls shirts, and we'll throw in a couple of badges too!
When entering PLEASE STATE YOUR SIZE from Girlie / S / M / L or XL, and send your answers .
All the questions are mainly relating to The Album After The Last One. Here we go...
1. How old is Dirty Doreen?
2. Who was giving Molly one!?
3. In which two cities was the album recorded?
4. Name one of the British ex Prime Ministers featured on the album other than Gordon Brown?
5. What are the names of the two sound engineers who engineered the album?
6. What number studio album is The Album After The last One?
7. In what year was The Toy Dolls very first album originally released?
8. Name two other instruments that are featured on The Album After The Last One other than drums, bass, guitar & voices.
9. What is the name of the record company in Spain that released The Album After The last One?
10. At which show this year will the band celebrate their 1000th show!?
Good luck! Answers must be received by July 10th.
Next time includes club show news, the start of a new batch of guitar lessons, an updated Olga Talkin’ and the competition answers / winner announced along with a whole lot more!
April 28th 2012
Its Spring Time You Lot!
First things first, you will no doubt have noticed that the website has changed! It's been looking the same for quite some time and I felt it was time for a change. So when Olga wasn't looking I had a bit of a Spring clean!
Please have a browse! It's still very much a work-in-progress, but if there's anything I've missed, or there's something specific you'd like to see, then please do get in touch.
I hope you like it.
Right, back to business...
New Festivals...
The latest festivals to get confirmed are:
June 9th: Pedro Pico Pop Festival, Holland.
The guy's first time back in Holland since 2009, and they're really looking forward to it.
June 21st: Zold Pardon, in Budapest, Hungary.
The lads did this one in 2007 and by all reports it was fantastic! More intimate than the Sziget festival, and a rockin’ venue.
July 9th: Holidays in the Sun no 3, Sete, France.
First time for the lads at this one, not far from Montpellier, which is fab as it wasn't included in the French 2009 dates. It takes place in Theatre de la mer, an amazing location by the sea!s)
July 13th: Exit Festival, Nova Sad, Serbia.
Finally the lads get to play one of the most famous festivals in Europe! Along side Duran Duran and Guns & Roses no less!
July 20th:, Festival Art Sonic ,Briouze, France.
Briouze isn’t far from Caen, in Normandy, where the lads had a wicked show in 2009! And this one promises to be another mega night, along side Suicidal Tendancies, with whom they haven’t played since 1983!
We expect a few more summer time festivals, before the main club tour in October, watch this space!
New T-Shirts...
Along side the wonderful “Peoples Tshirts” there’s gonna be a great new design shirt for the shows, these will be available at the live gigs only, not on the webshop.
There will be a selection of colours, and girlies versions also.
Here is the front & back, I WANT ONE!
The New Album...
So, the new album “The Album After The Last One” is now released...
For those of you interested in what Olga's squeaking... ahem, singing about, then you can find the lyrics here.
For a more in depth review of the album by the man himself, Olga gives his opinions here.
Other stuff...
Incase yer haven’t seen the wicked Decca's Drinkin' Dilemma video, check it out here.
Because of time restrictions, we have passed on this months guitar lesson, but don’t fret! They will be back soon!
In the meantime here are your Ask Olga answers.
The guy recording the "Classic Toy Dolls" album has almost finished everything in Paris!
Really cant wait to hear this one, all classical versions of our favourite songs!
More details on this incredible classical harpist, and news of release next time!
The tunes (not in any particular order) will be:
Theme Tune
Dougy Giro
Glenda And The Test Ttube Baby (original Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart version)
Fiery Jack (opera version)
Alfie From The Bronx
She Goes To Fino’s (original Richard Strauss version)
Carol Dodds Is Pregnant
Idle Gossip (original Johann Sebastian Bach version)
The Lambrusco Kid
Credit Crunch Christmas
Fisticuffs In Frederick Street
Tommy Kowey's Car
Alec's Ggone (original Erik Satie version)
My Girlfriend's Dad's A Vicar
Worse Things Happen At Sea (opera version)
Back In ‘79
Bring it on! We will get you a snippet of one or two of them soon too!
Keep checking in to check the ever lengthening tour list! Club gigs news coming soon!
MARCH 18th 2012
A quickie for you lot to remind you that The Toy Dolls new album "The Album After The Last One" is released on 19th March!
You can get the album in the record shops, and from:
also at:
AND as a special treat, there's an amazing animation video of the brilliant track "Decca's Drinkin' Dilemma" (taken from the album) which will be up on The Toy Dolls official Facebook page from 12 noon (UK time) Monday 19th March.
Check it out!!!
MARCH 6th 2012
Well Hello Again You Lot!
I hope you have been enjoying Olga’s chatting on Facebook! Make the most of it coz he is gonna be off on tour soon!
OK, first up… The recent 'Guess The Guitar Solo' competition. It was a bit of a toughie, and out of a whole pile of answers only 3 of you were completely correct!
Anyway, Olga put the names in a hat and picked out Laura as the winner! Well done to you! Unfortunately I have tried to e-mail you for an address but have got no reply yet! So if you are reading this Laura from please get in touch (using the same e-mail address you entered with) so I can get Olga to send off your prizes!
And the correct answers were:
- the sphinx stinks
- carol dodds
- alec's gone
- geordie's gone to jail
- when you're Jimmy Saville
- idle gossip
- she'll be back with Keith someday
- worse things happen at sea
- taken for a mug
- she's a leech
Here are your latest Ask Olga answers...
The latest guitar lesson...
And Olga Talkin' has been updated!
So, the gigs are now starting to come in for 'The Tour After The Last One'!
Most shows after Spain will be festivals until the end of the summer, with the club shows (starting in October) most likely to begin in Belgium and Holland. Watch this space! The festivals are still coming in, so brace yourselves for a quite a few more!
Note that the Punk Rock Holiday Festival in Slovenia on 18th August will also feature The Amazing Mr. Duncan AKA Duncan Redmonds! Doing an acoustic spot on the 17th! Sounds wicked!
New Backline Technician...
So following the departure of The Toy Dolls amazing backline technician Matzi last year, the lads had a great stand in tech, Arne, for the 2 gigs in 2011, thanks loads to him for being a great help, and for being such a nice guy.
Now we see the arrival of Keith! Keith has been a professional backline tech for many years, mainly working with Teenage Fanclub and Martin Stephenson and the Daintees. Sadly he didn't go on to better things, hence working with The Toy Dolls!
This is the guy you will see on stage before the gig, checking all the equipment, placing drinks and towels in place etc etc. He is also responsible for tuning the instruments, changing and stretching strings, and most other stuff to do with the backline (amplifiers/drums n’ stuff)
Good luck to him, and welcome!
The Album After The Last One...
So, this month also sees the release of the new album... The Album After The Last One!
If you have any difficulty getting yer hands on a copy, you can get it direct from
Or if you are in Spain, try here.
Let us know what you think of it!
Olga has asked me to tell ya that the new backdrop will be making its debut in Barcelona on 4th May!
If there’s time next updates, Olga will do a couple of Ask Olga video answers too.
Meantime the lads are hard work at rehearsals, good luck to them! And here’s to a
GIG FULL 2012!
Until next month.